Role: Art Director, Head of Studio/Brand Custodian
The context:
COVID-19 took Australia on a roller coaster ride—everyone felt swept up in fear, confusion and helplessness.
But by April 2022, Australia’s first PBS-listed, GP-prescribed oral antiviral was launched by MSD. A vital development for high-risk Australians.
The problem:
2 years after the declaration of the pandemic, COVID-19 apathy had set in.
We needed to evolve the narrative and tell it straight: Be confident. Plan for COVID.
The output:
A major 360 campaign comprising of TVC, OOH, Radio, Social & Digital.
11.6m OOH impressions
11.3 programmatic ad impressions
4.2 million digital video views
826K GP and pharmacy screen views
84% year 1 market share
8,526% brand growth year on year
The success of our campaign culminated in over $433,224,375 in PBS reimbursements.