Pet owners across Australia trust Bravecto to keep their pet safe and protected, however a key insight showed us that many pet owners weren’t following up their treatments after 3 months or were late in giving their pet its next round of treatment.
To educate consumers about the product and ensure their pets are consistently protected, we present: Eli, Bravecto’s Pet Expert.
Eli is a smart assistant, designed to help consumers with all kinds of queries, from which product best suits their pet and their lifetstyle, to how to apply the product or even where to check their pet for exisiting ticks and parasites.
Eli can answer using a mixture of words, images and video content, which ensures the key messages are clearly and illustratively communicated, as long blocks of text can be tedious to read. The first phase of Eli is to be launched as a chat bot, with the second phase moving into app and voice development, using the learnings and outcomes from the first phase to optimise and adapt Eli.